About Me
- Name: kilf in canada
- Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
AUSSIE!!! thats all u need to know ;P
Previous Posts
- down in the heart of it all, we stopped at a reall...
- quebec city... a quick ferry across the water, and...
- we all hit the town that night after going up tio ...
- we went to the botanical gardens, the olympic stad...
- lara and i down by the waters edge where jasper an...
- Stevo and i down the main street, doest really sho...
- aspa and i infront of i think parliament buildings...
- this one is a nice group shot, leuer, heiko, the d...
- montreal..... ow it was the cutest sity ever, very...
- we then called into Algolnquin National park (plea...
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