kilf in canada

hi all i know its been a while but im going to make a vaild effort to keep this site up to date!! hope all is well, lotsa love kirsty

Saturday, September 24, 2005

this is what i look at every night on my ride home from gym.. how gorgeous? and u wonder why its so hard to come home... love u guys, soon i promise Posted by Picasa

geez am i a pro or what??? Posted by Picasa

sorry mum Posted by Picasa

me ange and ange;s buddy... consulting wether or not to go for the $150 drink voucher... all it takes is well..take off is clothes hehe Posted by Picasa

HAHA im on the bull again!! and yes the chick with me has her top off... Posted by Picasa

oh no another sunday night at the buffalo club!!! welcome to Vancouver Benny boy!! Posted by Picasa

farewell aspa.. u will be missed!! had an awsome time with u here babe!! love u lots, hope all goes well back in aus for u!! Posted by Picasa

check it out!! i love it, its so homey.. notice the geelong guernsey on my bed!!  Posted by Picasa

here we go... my new room!!! its so funky i love it, double bed, and just got myself a big t.v, orange walls!!! Posted by Picasa

this is looking back towards our house the opposite direction of the last two shots, the big balloon looking thing is B.C. stadium, to the left on the water edge is science world, and about 20 blocks past that is our place!!! "mount PLEASANT"... our also known as party house of van!! Posted by Picasa

this angle shows stanley park from above, grousse mountain and the harbour Posted by Picasa

took Ben up to the top of the Harbour Center lookout... this is the view looking out over Canada place , the convention center and my work!! Posted by Picasa

this is my favourite one though... the sun setting over the water, so beautiful. its one thing i dont take for granted, is the evening time wen the sun goes down, make sure i watch it most nights  Posted by Picasa

had a great day out on the water, geek boy u'd be so proud, if only we through in a line!! Posted by Picasa

burrard bridge.. 10 minutes from home, and Grandville island in the background Posted by Picasa

home sweet home.. for now at least!! VANCOUVER!!! Posted by Picasa

heres one of the city from the boat... and the harbour center lookout where we went the night before to watch the sunset Posted by Picasa

oh yeh baby!!! it was only a 60 horsepower mercury outboard but it did the job.. was a little rough though, but made it all the more fun Posted by Picasa

i rented a boat for the day while the weather is still good, and took Ben around the harbour to show him the sites! he is such a sook he was begging me to slowdown, cause he felt "seasick " lol, he was holding on the whole time! Posted by Picasa

heres one for you dad!!! at a boat sale down by the warf at Grandville island! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

this is an awsome pic of the limo jo got for her bday that i missed while i was away in the states.. happy bday baby Posted by Picasa

oww i love this pic of Jo JO and her pilot buddy that came to visit!! arent they cute Posted by Picasa

hehe this is bens room after jo and i stayed up all night before he got here redecorating... check out all the bikini babes!!!  Posted by Picasa

benny boy and Shawn posing for the camera Posted by Picasa

jack and jo while still sober, the pics from later on in the night are much more interesting.. lol dont think they will make the webpage!! Posted by Picasa